Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Mar 2022. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
Source: 2/25/25 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is creating a registry for all people who are...
I’ve been watching a YouTube channel called Anna Uncharted. It’s about a van lifer who in her latest video experiences trouble while on the road. She says:
“But no matter how hard or how many times I try to control the narrative and direction of my life… the reality is – I can’t. All I can do is make the best decision based off the information I have at that present moment… and see what happens next… isn’t that all any of us can do?”
That reminded me of my/our struggles. Thank you Anna.
Hey Charlene I wouldn’t worry to much about that ADHD I mean look at the many on here with that hyper disorder. At yoru sons age I was the same as one grows older thsi disorder can vanish. Hey I could tell you how many times I was in the sweat box for acting up or getting out of line in jail. The polygraph test is just a method to test ones pulse reactions. That in and of itself is a sweat box. Remember the truth will set you free. I mean everyone makes mistakes.
Even computers can get viruses. Mankind many are viruses in themself… I won’t mention names…
So, a little update on my registry fee challenge in Utah.
This resulted from the State taking my tax return through administrative garnishment in 2013 and 2019. In 2013 I timely requested an administrative hearing prior to garnishment, but the State failed to ever set the hearing. In 2019 the State actually set a hearing and I raised affirmative defenses that the garnishment statute and fee violated due process, and that the fee was an ex post facto law. The administrative law judge dismissed the constitutional affirmative defenses because he did not have jurisdiction to rule on constitutional questions.
Utah law allows you to appeal to the district court where you get a trail de novo (an new trial not based on the record, a complete redo) where the district court judge can rule on constitutional questions. Although a trail de novo, Utah caselaw still sees the matter as a direct appeal (similar to an appeal from justice or small claims court).
So because the ALJ said the State (executive) had no jurisdiction over the constitutional questions, I filed an appeal directly with the district court in 2019, without appealing to the agency (who admitted they did not have jurisdiction on constitutional defenses). Because it is an appeal of an agency decision and challenging statutes, a state attorney is representing the agency.
Right out the gate, the State approached the case as a “suit” against them, even though I was the defendant below, and have tried tirelessly to argue that they are immune to suit under the eleventh amendment and UGIA, that my claims are time-barred, and that my affirmative defenses (declaratory relief) are not allowed under the Administrative Procedures Act.
The judge stated that the State violated the law by not scheduling, but I had waited to long to bring this up so he dismissed the 2013 defenses and he refused to equitably toll any perceived deadline (I disagree and believe caselaw disagrees, but that will have to be settled on appeal).
The judge then stated that because I brought up the issue of a statute-of-limitations defense below, and failed to appeal that decision to the agency, I have forfeited any right to relief on state constitutional questions by not exhausting administrative remedies. My argument was that by using administrative proceedings, the state was reviving otherwise time-barred claims, in violation of due process (See, Mitchell v. Roberts (Utah 2020)). But, the judge saw the statute-of-limitations argument as a statutory question within the executive’s jurisdiction to decide. Because that question could have been appealed to the agency, and could have possibly been decided in my favor, and I didn’t try – I cannot pursue state constitutional defenses on appeal. (I disagree, but again that is a matter for appeal)
The judge did however, leave my federal constitutional challenges intact, as the state’s administrative exhaustion requirement does not apply to federal constitutional questions. I cannot pursue a case in federal court due to Rooker-Feldman, and the Tax Injunction Act.
I was allowed to Amend the Petition for Judicial Review, and the State is still arguing that it is immune even though I am clearly the defendant and they are pursuing their claims against me. It is noted they don’t have a judgment against me, just an statutory lien for non-payment of the registry fee they say I owe (enacted 3 years after my conviction). The Judge also ruled that the State was not immune under the UGIA.
Also during this case, they again tried to take a tax refund, I requested a hearing and they denied it. I filed a Motion for for Leave to File a Supplemental Petition under Rule 65B (Extraordinary Writ). The State then refunded the money to prevent “complicating current litigation.” However, the law is clear that they must schedule the hearing or Release the Lien(s) if no hearing is scheduled. They must relinquish their Lien rights. They didn’t send a signed and binding Release of Lien(s) (“Waiver”) nor schedule the hearing, so I moved forward with the Motion which was granted.
The State has since filed a Motion to Dismiss the Petition for Extraordinary Relief for an Order compelling them to Release the Lien(s) or schedule the statutorily required hearing. If they complete the Release of Lien(s) they can never come after my tax returns again. If they schedule a hearing I can exhaust my administrative remedies and revive my state constitutional defenses. I in turn filed a Motion for Summary Judgment for Extraordinary Relief.
They have also filed for Dismissal of the Amended Petition (“Appeal”) for Judicial Review of the case in chief, arguing that my affirmative defenses are time-barred, that the Court lacks jurisdiction to issue declaratory relief (even though the Statute says I get a trial de novo), and that they are immune from this Appeal under the Eleventh Amendment (even though Cohens v. Virginia made clear immunity does not apply to appeals). Also, they picked up a new reason for dismissal not previously argued, that the case should be dismissed because I (the defendant) failed to join a necessary party. The State debt collection office is separate from the DOC (who administers the registry), and because the DOC was not joined, the appeal must be dismissed. The DOC was not a party in the below administrative action the State initiated against me, in which my tax refund was taken, so no they apparently are not a necessary party.
We have a hearing on all three Motion this coming week. Based on the presidential caselaw I have put in the briefs I would say I will survive the Motions for Dismissal, but you never know.
He was previously a gubernatorial candidate:
Prominent Maine Democrat arrested on child pornography charges, bail set at only $50k – TheBlaze
I have been a SR since early 2000, late 1999 offense. 6 charges three lewd acts three indecent exposure. Plea on one count, indecent exposure 314. Received an expungement 1203.4 as soon as I was eligible. I live OC, and knowledge of a DA that basically ruins your life during an COR. I have done my best to register and otherwise ignore SR. I assume I am Tier 1 under the new laws. I have read the comments on COR in LA, anyone with insight? Would a passport renewal get the the mark?
Tomorrow is the hearing for my petition application. One more time I get to stand up in front of a judge who has power over my well being. I am not represented by an attorney. I understood that it was administrative and I would not have to appear. Not so! I definitely would prefer to have someone have my back in this situation. I was so elated when I got my CR 417 back from the district attorney stating they had no objections. I thought that it would move along to some judge who would sign off on it. Never was I told there would be a hearing. I’m now back in PTSD of appearing in court.
I didn’t know how much this would affect me. I feel like fleeing.
I know how to check in with myself and get centered. This has worked somewhat today. Then I have waves of anger and sadness. Every court appearance I have left my body and gotten wooden. I hope I can stay present tomorrow. Wish me luck! I know many of you probably get what I’m going through. I will post at the end of the day and let you know how it went.
See their ya go praying is good even the faith of a mustard seed is a good faith and than we grow. Guess after all these years something is sinking in and all these sex sights wanted to debase the facts. Guess one can also debase the database if they don’t have truth.Many times conflicting matters are best handled with truth but were “only human” as billy Joel would say.
Another propaganda opinion piece from former government officials regarding the confirmation hearings… we really need to reply to this somehow disproving it.
Surely, this soon-to-be parolee and his cohorts, who buried 26 little kids alive, will have to spend his life on the public registry, right?
Personally, I’m not sure how any of the kidnappers are still breathing.
The Georgia DCS (Department of Community Supervision) decided to give themselves a $5 thousand annual raise and to purchase 65 new vehicles to replace ones who have clocked 130k miles or so.
Thanks Dr. Any update is much appreciated. I don’t have the proficiency to do the research, or the patience when it cones to tech.
Anyone ever been arrested for staying one day over the limit required for registration in another state? There are lots of news stories out there about people getting arrested for moving and then failing to report change of address, and more flagrant stuff like that. But I have never seen one report, not one, ever, of someone who was simply on a work trip or on vacation with his family, and who was arrested because they spent 6 days in a state where the visitor registration threshold was five days (or four days instead of three, two instead of one, etc). Funny how that is. Does that mean thousands upon thousands of registrants are all obeying all of the laws right down to the letter, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year? Somehow I seriously doubt it.
I may get some blowback here, but I have a theory. I believe these laws are broken regularly by those who simply won’t let these insane laws encroach on their basic human rights, eg, spending time with family, earning a living. We all take chances in life, everyday. Obviously the punishment here is at a different level, but my theory is that for incremental violations over which you have control (unlike IML, for example), most registrants are willing, and in fact do, take those chances. These laws were passed to put the fear of God in us. They want us to cower in our homes and never venture out among the crowds. They WANT us to be afraid that we might make one small misstep and wind up in jail. Is that how all one million registrants are living their lives, every day? Not at all, in my view. That’s another reason why these asinine laws don’t work: Many people don’t always obey them, and probably a LOT more than we realize.
Just a theory, but I’d like to hear what others think.
Another RSO Murdered.. San Diego Jail by his cell mate (assault) and later died after ftr..
Sometimes we wonder if we as humans want to know to much. Yes we can all get into trouble or go astray in many ways.While we talk about this sex registry are their pros and cons in everything we do even penalties. Sure we can all talk about judgement even prison sentencing. Even the right or wrongs in playing hooky so to speak or abusing another in vain ways. Does man use or abuse today. Well the answer would have to be abuse.
Yes we all abuse in many ways and it doesn’t have to be sexual.
Hawley introducing bill to ensure strong penalties for child porn possession
Latest news in Texas regarding a state contracted facility housing sex trafficked minor females. Even though girls at the facility stated they have been sexually abused by the staff and even though evidence has been submitted to a court, of course the state’s highest law enforcement agency, the Texas Rangers, circled wagons to protect the reputation of the state who is in charge of protecting these girls and stated they saw no evidence of any sexual abuse.
I believe the attorney representing the girls sued the state 11 years ago over the state foster system failed because it failed on all levels to provide adequate care and oversight after multitudes of foster kids died or were physically harmed, sexually harmed or forced into homelessness as they ran away from horrible care environments. Many children also had to sleep on floors of state agency offices for long periods of time.
The state fought the lawsuit and dragged it out as long as possible. A judge eventually agreed the state was at fault and ordered the state legistlature to drasticly overhaul the state foster care system and invest drastically more money into the foster care system. I don’t believe the state has yet implemented all they were suppose to in improving the foster care system.
And when the state lately has been doing everything it can in multiple ways (I will not detail here) to harm children in opposition to the wishes of families and medical groups where even lawsuits have been filed to stop illegal actions by the state leaders, these state actions even more prove they don’t give a sh_t about children.
And when the state fights tooth and nail for children to obtain health insurance, (Texas has more children with no health insurance than any other state) they are full of sh_t when they say they care about protecting children.
And when the state adopts SO laws that harm children, the state is full of sh_t when they say they care about protection children.
Recently I have read a few news articles in Texas where parents interviewed are relocating out of Texas because the Texas policies against children are so harmful.
I forgot to mention regarding the update on the state of Texas responsible for female minors in its custody being sex trafficked by the girls’ custodians. The judge in the case so distrusts the Texas Rangers law enforcement investigation where they say no sex trafficking occurred when the girls say otherwise and when evidence was submitted to the court showing otherwise, that the judge asked for a federal investigation. The judge is the same judge that previously ordered the state in a lawsuit against the state to completely overhaul its foster care system.
Like I previously stated, the highest LE agency in the state is trying to protect the reputation of the state when it again failed to protect children in its custody. LE in Texas can not be trusted nor can the state leaders.
I like the motto of WAR (Women Against Registry) – “Fighting The Destruction Of Families”. It is a powerful motto.
So, I played a round of golf today (as that is my relaxing hobby and has been for 20+ years) and was randomly paired up with a retired district attorney who had over 25 years of time as a prosecutor in San Diego. Of course, I didn’t mention my personal experience with the criminal legal system, but it was rather enlightening to hear the prospective of the other side. We didn’t talk about RSOs specifically but must kept to talking about hearing his perspective on people in general that “it is impossible to predict future behavior but the best indicator is past behavior. ” I’d bring up recidivism rates, talking about murderers and such, and I’d hear the reply about horrific facts and circumstances, we should never let people have a second chance, etc. It was interesting to have a 5 hour conversation diving deep into the other side perspective that everything in the legal system is right and just. He was a pro death penalty, pro juvenile lwop, type person.
What’s always funny, too, is that many former DAs become Defense Attorneys, so now they will fight for the offender when before they wanted to hang them. It’s all like it is in Sales. If you are a Sales Person for one brand, it is the best. Then you leave the company and join the competitor. Now, that brand is the best, and the one you used to sell sucks. The injustice system is nothing but a Sales Tool.